
Tuesday, 9 May 2017

Farm Cake for E (picture overload!)

Birthday Cake n°2 for E! He loves farm animals and is very good at doing the noises so the theme was a no brainer... 
I studied Pinterest for hours, making notes of what I liked and tried to be realistic about my basic modelling skills and time available. No false modesty, all the shapes are very basic, balls and teardrops; the time element however went out the window... How can you sleep when you have fondant ladybirds to make?

I wanted two layers, 23cm and 15cm. I stacked the cake tins to get a general idea of what it would look like.
23cm: lemon sponge, lemon curd
15cm: lemon sponge, cherry curd

Day -2, prepared buttercream (I made Swiss Meringue Buttercream but as I only used it under the fondant, I should have spared myself and gone for American buttercream!)
               made most of the decorations

Day -1, morning: baked the cakes (I need to find another recipe as my go-to sponge dries out too much in the fridge)
             evening: assembled the cakes and covered them in fondant (I also did the fence on the base layer and the wall and barn on the top layer as I was worried about timing on the day)
The two cakes were boxed up and kept in the fridge overnight.

Party Day, got the cakes out of the fridge and left them alone to get to room temperature. The fondant is sticky at that stage (most cake decorating sources will tell you not to put fondant in the fridge for that reason, but I had to for the curd) 
                 stacked the cakes when safe to do so and finished decorating.

 Now for a few detailed shots... (Can you tell I'm proud of this cake? :p)




 Although the sponge was too dry, the slices looked good and we had ice cream, custard and champagne to help... :p

I'm now on the lookout for a cake recipe that is going to be ok in the fridge (I like the curd filling which is not safe out for that long), preferably something easy and not requiring extra syrup... My sister sent me a biscuit de Savoie recipe (merci C) so that will be Test n°1! 

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